Enhancing Generosity through Digital Engagement


Jul 15, 2024

In today’s digitally connected world, Christian charities have a unique opportunity to engage their supporters more effectively and increase generosity through the use of apps. The recent Stewardship Generosity Report 2024 highlights several key findings that underscore the potential of digital communications to foster a deeper connection between charities and their supporters.

We've written this article to explore these findings and provide practical ideas for how charities can use apps to boost giving.

Key Findings from the Stewardship Generosity Report 2024

  1. Reactive Giving:

    • Most giving is reactive rather than proactive, triggered by appeals or personal approaches.

    • Example: Apps can send timely notifications about urgent appeals or specific needs, prompting spontaneous donations. For instance, a push notification about a new community project can encourage immediate contributions.

  2. Trust and Connection:

    • Trust significantly impacts regular giving; donors who trust their church or charity are more likely to give regularly.

    • Example: Regular updates through an app, showcasing how donations are used and their impact, can enhance transparency and trust. An app can provide detailed reports, videos, and stories of beneficiaries to build this trust.

  3. Feeling Part of Something:

    • Donors are more driven to give if they feel connected to a cause and see the impact of their giving.

    • Example: Apps can offer features such as impact stories, videos, and personalised messages from the charity’s CEO, creating a sense of community and shared purpose. Regular updates and success stories can help donors see the difference their contributions make.

  4. Barriers to Giving:

    • Common barriers include feeling unable to afford giving and lack of trust in how donations are used.

    • Example: An app can simplify the donation process, making it easy to give spontaneously or set up regular contributions. Features like recurring donation options and transparent financial reports can address these concerns.

How Apps Can Increase Generosity

  1. Personalised Communication:

    • The report highlights the effectiveness of personal approaches in fundraising.

    • Idea: Use the app to send personalised messages from the charity’s leadership. Audio and video messages from the CEO can make supporters feel more valued and connected. These messages can include updates, thank-yous, and stories of impact.

  2. Engaging Content:

    • Regular, engaging content can keep supporters connected and informed.

    • Idea: Provide engaging content such as video messages, podcasts, and live streams from the charity’s leadership. For example, a weekly podcast discussing the charity’s work and future projects can keep supporters engaged and informed.

  3. Real-time Interaction:

    • Interactive features can foster a sense of community among supporters.

    • Idea: Include features like live Q&A sessions with the charity’s leaders or virtual events. Supporters can join these sessions to ask questions, share their thoughts, and feel more involved in the charity’s mission.

  4. Targeted Appeals:

    • Tailoring appeals to different segments of the donor base can increase effectiveness.

    • Idea: Use the app to send targeted appeals based on user data. For example, younger donors might respond better to digital campaigns, while older supporters might appreciate more traditional approaches. The app can segment the donor base and deliver customised messages accordingly.

  5. Convenience and Accessibility:

    • Simplifying the donation process can remove barriers to giving.

    • Idea: Make it easy for supporters to donate through the app. Features like one-click donations, recurring donation options, and integration with popular payment methods can make giving more convenient. Additionally, providing updates on the app about how donations are used can reassure donors about the impact of their contributions.

  6. Nurturing Relationships:

    • Building strong relationships with donors can enhance loyalty and generosity.

    • Idea: Use the app to send regular, personalised messages of appreciation. For example, after a donation is made, the app can send an instant thank-you message along with a story of how the donation will be used. Regular updates on the progress of projects funded by donations can also nurture these relationships.

Examples of App Features to Enhance Generosity

  1. Impact Stories and Videos:

    • Share real-time impact stories and videos showing how donations are making a difference. This can include testimonies from beneficiaries, progress updates on funded projects, and behind-the-scenes looks at the charity’s work.

  2. Push Notifications:

    • Use push notifications to alert supporters about new appeals, upcoming events, and urgent needs. These notifications can prompt immediate action and keep supporters engaged.

  3. Donation Tracking:

    • Provide a feature for donors to track their donations and see the impact over time. This can include detailed reports, graphs, and personalised summaries of their contributions.

  4. Interactive Features:

    • Incorporate interactive features like live Q&A sessions, virtual tours of projects, and interactive prayer walls. These features can enhance the sense of community and involvement among supporters.

  5. Customisable Giving Options:

    • Offer customisable giving options, such as setting up recurring donations, choosing specific projects to support, and setting donation goals. This flexibility can make giving more appealing and manageable for supporters.

Embracing digital communications and using an app can significantly enhance the engagement and generosity of supporters for Christian charities. By meeting the needs and desires of givers, providing personalised and timely communication, and fostering a sense of community, charities can unlock greater giving potential and make a more significant impact for God’s Kingdom. As the Stewardship Generosity Report 2024 suggests, the key to increasing generosity lies in building trust, demonstrating impact, and creating a personal connection with supporters. An app can be a powerful tool to achieve these goals and drive greater generosity among Christian donors.

In today’s digitally connected world, Christian charities have a unique opportunity to engage their supporters more effectively and increase generosity through the use of apps. The recent Stewardship Generosity Report 2024 highlights several key findings that underscore the potential of digital communications to foster a deeper connection between charities and their supporters.

We've written this article to explore these findings and provide practical ideas for how charities can use apps to boost giving.

Key Findings from the Stewardship Generosity Report 2024

  1. Reactive Giving:

    • Most giving is reactive rather than proactive, triggered by appeals or personal approaches.

    • Example: Apps can send timely notifications about urgent appeals or specific needs, prompting spontaneous donations. For instance, a push notification about a new community project can encourage immediate contributions.

  2. Trust and Connection:

    • Trust significantly impacts regular giving; donors who trust their church or charity are more likely to give regularly.

    • Example: Regular updates through an app, showcasing how donations are used and their impact, can enhance transparency and trust. An app can provide detailed reports, videos, and stories of beneficiaries to build this trust.

  3. Feeling Part of Something:

    • Donors are more driven to give if they feel connected to a cause and see the impact of their giving.

    • Example: Apps can offer features such as impact stories, videos, and personalised messages from the charity’s CEO, creating a sense of community and shared purpose. Regular updates and success stories can help donors see the difference their contributions make.

  4. Barriers to Giving:

    • Common barriers include feeling unable to afford giving and lack of trust in how donations are used.

    • Example: An app can simplify the donation process, making it easy to give spontaneously or set up regular contributions. Features like recurring donation options and transparent financial reports can address these concerns.

How Apps Can Increase Generosity

  1. Personalised Communication:

    • The report highlights the effectiveness of personal approaches in fundraising.

    • Idea: Use the app to send personalised messages from the charity’s leadership. Audio and video messages from the CEO can make supporters feel more valued and connected. These messages can include updates, thank-yous, and stories of impact.

  2. Engaging Content:

    • Regular, engaging content can keep supporters connected and informed.

    • Idea: Provide engaging content such as video messages, podcasts, and live streams from the charity’s leadership. For example, a weekly podcast discussing the charity’s work and future projects can keep supporters engaged and informed.

  3. Real-time Interaction:

    • Interactive features can foster a sense of community among supporters.

    • Idea: Include features like live Q&A sessions with the charity’s leaders or virtual events. Supporters can join these sessions to ask questions, share their thoughts, and feel more involved in the charity’s mission.

  4. Targeted Appeals:

    • Tailoring appeals to different segments of the donor base can increase effectiveness.

    • Idea: Use the app to send targeted appeals based on user data. For example, younger donors might respond better to digital campaigns, while older supporters might appreciate more traditional approaches. The app can segment the donor base and deliver customised messages accordingly.

  5. Convenience and Accessibility:

    • Simplifying the donation process can remove barriers to giving.

    • Idea: Make it easy for supporters to donate through the app. Features like one-click donations, recurring donation options, and integration with popular payment methods can make giving more convenient. Additionally, providing updates on the app about how donations are used can reassure donors about the impact of their contributions.

  6. Nurturing Relationships:

    • Building strong relationships with donors can enhance loyalty and generosity.

    • Idea: Use the app to send regular, personalised messages of appreciation. For example, after a donation is made, the app can send an instant thank-you message along with a story of how the donation will be used. Regular updates on the progress of projects funded by donations can also nurture these relationships.

Examples of App Features to Enhance Generosity

  1. Impact Stories and Videos:

    • Share real-time impact stories and videos showing how donations are making a difference. This can include testimonies from beneficiaries, progress updates on funded projects, and behind-the-scenes looks at the charity’s work.

  2. Push Notifications:

    • Use push notifications to alert supporters about new appeals, upcoming events, and urgent needs. These notifications can prompt immediate action and keep supporters engaged.

  3. Donation Tracking:

    • Provide a feature for donors to track their donations and see the impact over time. This can include detailed reports, graphs, and personalised summaries of their contributions.

  4. Interactive Features:

    • Incorporate interactive features like live Q&A sessions, virtual tours of projects, and interactive prayer walls. These features can enhance the sense of community and involvement among supporters.

  5. Customisable Giving Options:

    • Offer customisable giving options, such as setting up recurring donations, choosing specific projects to support, and setting donation goals. This flexibility can make giving more appealing and manageable for supporters.

Embracing digital communications and using an app can significantly enhance the engagement and generosity of supporters for Christian charities. By meeting the needs and desires of givers, providing personalised and timely communication, and fostering a sense of community, charities can unlock greater giving potential and make a more significant impact for God’s Kingdom. As the Stewardship Generosity Report 2024 suggests, the key to increasing generosity lies in building trust, demonstrating impact, and creating a personal connection with supporters. An app can be a powerful tool to achieve these goals and drive greater generosity among Christian donors.

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