Build or Buy: Developing an App for Your Charity


Jun 5, 2024

In the digital age, having a dedicated app for your charity can be a game-changer, enhancing engagement, streamlining donations, and fostering a stronger sense of community. However, deciding whether to build an app from scratch or buy an app as a service (AaaS) from a trusted provider is a critical decision that can impact your charity’s resources, both financially and operationally. This article explores the pros and cons of each approach and provides insights into the ongoing costs and maintenance considerations.

Building an App from Scratch


  1. Customisation: Building an app from scratch offers the highest level of customisation. Your app can be tailored specifically to your charity's needs, branding, and unique functionalities.

  2. Ownership: You retain full ownership of the app and its codebase. This can be advantageous for implementing bespoke features and integrating with existing systems.


  1. High Initial Costs: Developing an app from scratch requires significant upfront investment. Costs can quickly escalate, especially if you need advanced features or extensive customisation.

  2. Development Time: Building a custom app is time-consuming. It involves various stages, including planning, design, development, testing, and deployment, which can take several months.

  3. Ongoing Maintenance: Once the app is live, it requires continuous maintenance to ensure it remains functional and secure. Apple and Google regularly update their operating systems, and these updates often necessitate changes to your app’s codebase to maintain compatibility. This can incur ongoing costs for bug fixes, updates, and improvements.

  4. Technical Expertise: Maintaining and updating the app requires in-house technical expertise or ongoing relationships with external developers. This can add to the operational costs and complexity.

Buying an App as a Service (AaaS)


  1. Lower Initial Costs: Buying an app as a service typically involves lower upfront costs compared to building an app from scratch. The service provider handles the development and initial setup.

  2. Rapid Deployment: AaaS solutions can be deployed much faster than custom-built apps. They are usually designed to be configurable and ready for use within a short time frame.

  3. Ongoing Maintenance: The service provider handles all maintenance and updates. This includes ensuring compatibility with the latest operating system updates from Apple and Google, which mitigates the risk of unexpected costs and technical issues.

  4. Scalability: AaaS solutions are built to support multiple clients. This means the infrastructure is designed to be robust and scalable, capable of handling growing user bases without significant additional investment from your charity.


  1. Limited Customisation: While AaaS solutions offer configurable options, they may not provide the same level of customisation as a bespoke app. Your charity might need to adapt some of its processes to fit the app’s capabilities.

  2. Subscription Costs: Using an AaaS model involves ongoing subscription fees. While these are usually predictable and often lower than the maintenance costs of a custom app, they represent a continual expense.

  3. Dependence on Provider: Your charity will be dependent on the service provider for all updates, maintenance, and support. It’s crucial to choose a reliable and reputable provider to avoid potential service disruptions.

Ongoing Costs and Maintenance Considerations

Custom App Development:

  • Updates: Regular updates are necessary to maintain compatibility with new versions of iOS and Android. Each update from Apple and Google can affect various aspects of your app, requiring prompt attention from developers.

  • Bug Fixes: Continuous monitoring and fixing of bugs are essential to ensure a smooth user experience.

  • Security: Regular security updates are crucial to protect user data and prevent vulnerabilities.

  • Feature Enhancements: As user needs evolve, your app will need new features and improvements, requiring further development work.

App as a Service:

  • Included Maintenance: AaaS providers typically include maintenance and updates in the subscription fee. This ensures your app stays up-to-date with the latest operating system changes without additional costs.

  • Predictable Costs: Subscription fees are usually fixed, making it easier to budget for ongoing expenses.

  • Automatic Upgrades: Providers often roll out new features and improvements automatically, ensuring your app benefits from the latest technology without extra investment.

Choosing between building an app from scratch and buying an app as a service depends on your charity’s specific needs, budget, and long-term strategy. Building a custom app offers greater control and customisation but comes with higher initial costs and ongoing maintenance responsibilities. On the other hand, buying an AaaS solution provides a cost-effective, low-maintenance option with predictable expenses and quicker deployment but may offer less flexibility in terms of customisation.

For many charities, especially those with limited technical resources and budget constraints, an app as a service can be an ideal solution. It allows you to leverage the expertise of a trusted provider to maintain and update the app, ensuring it remains functional and secure without hidden surprises. Ultimately, the right choice will align with your charity’s goals, ensuring you can effectively engage with your supporters and enhance your mission through digital innovation.

In the digital age, having a dedicated app for your charity can be a game-changer, enhancing engagement, streamlining donations, and fostering a stronger sense of community. However, deciding whether to build an app from scratch or buy an app as a service (AaaS) from a trusted provider is a critical decision that can impact your charity’s resources, both financially and operationally. This article explores the pros and cons of each approach and provides insights into the ongoing costs and maintenance considerations.

Building an App from Scratch


  1. Customisation: Building an app from scratch offers the highest level of customisation. Your app can be tailored specifically to your charity's needs, branding, and unique functionalities.

  2. Ownership: You retain full ownership of the app and its codebase. This can be advantageous for implementing bespoke features and integrating with existing systems.


  1. High Initial Costs: Developing an app from scratch requires significant upfront investment. Costs can quickly escalate, especially if you need advanced features or extensive customisation.

  2. Development Time: Building a custom app is time-consuming. It involves various stages, including planning, design, development, testing, and deployment, which can take several months.

  3. Ongoing Maintenance: Once the app is live, it requires continuous maintenance to ensure it remains functional and secure. Apple and Google regularly update their operating systems, and these updates often necessitate changes to your app’s codebase to maintain compatibility. This can incur ongoing costs for bug fixes, updates, and improvements.

  4. Technical Expertise: Maintaining and updating the app requires in-house technical expertise or ongoing relationships with external developers. This can add to the operational costs and complexity.

Buying an App as a Service (AaaS)


  1. Lower Initial Costs: Buying an app as a service typically involves lower upfront costs compared to building an app from scratch. The service provider handles the development and initial setup.

  2. Rapid Deployment: AaaS solutions can be deployed much faster than custom-built apps. They are usually designed to be configurable and ready for use within a short time frame.

  3. Ongoing Maintenance: The service provider handles all maintenance and updates. This includes ensuring compatibility with the latest operating system updates from Apple and Google, which mitigates the risk of unexpected costs and technical issues.

  4. Scalability: AaaS solutions are built to support multiple clients. This means the infrastructure is designed to be robust and scalable, capable of handling growing user bases without significant additional investment from your charity.


  1. Limited Customisation: While AaaS solutions offer configurable options, they may not provide the same level of customisation as a bespoke app. Your charity might need to adapt some of its processes to fit the app’s capabilities.

  2. Subscription Costs: Using an AaaS model involves ongoing subscription fees. While these are usually predictable and often lower than the maintenance costs of a custom app, they represent a continual expense.

  3. Dependence on Provider: Your charity will be dependent on the service provider for all updates, maintenance, and support. It’s crucial to choose a reliable and reputable provider to avoid potential service disruptions.

Ongoing Costs and Maintenance Considerations

Custom App Development:

  • Updates: Regular updates are necessary to maintain compatibility with new versions of iOS and Android. Each update from Apple and Google can affect various aspects of your app, requiring prompt attention from developers.

  • Bug Fixes: Continuous monitoring and fixing of bugs are essential to ensure a smooth user experience.

  • Security: Regular security updates are crucial to protect user data and prevent vulnerabilities.

  • Feature Enhancements: As user needs evolve, your app will need new features and improvements, requiring further development work.

App as a Service:

  • Included Maintenance: AaaS providers typically include maintenance and updates in the subscription fee. This ensures your app stays up-to-date with the latest operating system changes without additional costs.

  • Predictable Costs: Subscription fees are usually fixed, making it easier to budget for ongoing expenses.

  • Automatic Upgrades: Providers often roll out new features and improvements automatically, ensuring your app benefits from the latest technology without extra investment.

Choosing between building an app from scratch and buying an app as a service depends on your charity’s specific needs, budget, and long-term strategy. Building a custom app offers greater control and customisation but comes with higher initial costs and ongoing maintenance responsibilities. On the other hand, buying an AaaS solution provides a cost-effective, low-maintenance option with predictable expenses and quicker deployment but may offer less flexibility in terms of customisation.

For many charities, especially those with limited technical resources and budget constraints, an app as a service can be an ideal solution. It allows you to leverage the expertise of a trusted provider to maintain and update the app, ensuring it remains functional and secure without hidden surprises. Ultimately, the right choice will align with your charity’s goals, ensuring you can effectively engage with your supporters and enhance your mission through digital innovation.

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